Workplace Analytics

Real-time insight into what’s actually happening in the office, not just what the software says.

Card tapping desk booking device to reserve desk.

Data is the backbone.

Understanding employee behavior accurately is crucial. Data informs resource allocation, workplace strategy, and long-term real estate choices.

Bad data = Bad decisions.

We want you to have another data source you can trust. And that’s where Desk Sign comes in.
Relying on data from workspace management software alone is not enough.
Booking workspace ahead of time is possible with digital maps and workspace management software. But it is often inaccurate.

Plans change, appointments get reset, people change their minds.
Floor plan in office and at work on a third party software that user can look at to reserve their desk in advance.
Tapping HID card on desk booking device for hybrid workspace.
In-person check-in data is accurate desk usage data.
Bring the digital map to life with manual and passive check in options to ensure the accuracy of workplace management data.

Manual check-ins automatically and quickly sync to the workspace management software, updating digital mapping.
Unified Communication Platform Integration
Integrating with a unified communication platform means we can display both when an employee has checked in, and whether he or she is on a call, in a meeting, or available, using the UC status.

Dual display creates additional data sources for accurate and powerful workspace analytics.
Desk booking device as red color means it is reserved and already booked and taken by a user or employee.
Sleek, simple device and elegant displays data for desk booking and reservations.
Sensor Integration
Embrava devices can be easily integrated with in-office sensors to automatically respond when users are present.

Docking to workplace technology at the desk or in a meeting room can also act as a passive check-in option for anonymous presence data collection.

Desk Sign is the answer.

Desk booking device displays name and QR code for employees in flexible office spaces.
The Embrava Desk Sign
The Embrava Desk Sign is the key to gathering accurate workplace usage data, whether from hot desking or desk hoteling, bookable collaboration space, meeting rooms, phone booths, or other flex space in the office.

Great data = Great decisions.
It’s time to check-in.
Zoom certified partner.Enterprise connect.

Use accurate data to empower leadership.

Get more information about how we can get accurate workplace usage data in your hands by contacting us today.